

Invitation group exhibition December 6-23 Opening Wednesday December 6, 6.30-8pm Tacit Galleries, Melbourne 187 - L1/189 Johnston St, Collingwood 'Precious objects desire special homes. Artbox is 40+ invited artists taking a functional object and transforming it into an art object that speaks to them and their practice. A desired object to be envied by all. Made at Tacit, crafted and finished by hand, double primed matt black, these lidded boxes provide an opportunity to transform an object associated with the storage of the most precious of objects into its own precious object. Paint the lid? All the external sides? All the external sides and the inside? Object(s) placed inside the box? All of the above?' Artists: Adriana Artmeier, Melanie Bardolia, Lillian Bateson, TJ Bateson, Bruce Baycroft, Louise Blyton, Terri Brooks, Michelle Caithness/Clive Murray-White, Magda Cebokli, Elizabeth Colbert, David Coles, Lana De Jager, Merrian Dennis, Lesley Dickm


Abstract Project To November 25 Paris, France Curated by Bogumila Strojna For further information and exhibition text visit Installation image . Lace , 2023, oil on canvas, 41 x 31 cm Fabulous to be in this exhibition about artists who curate and create. It is also my first exhibition in France

Black White and Brown

TERRI BROOKS Painting is architecture May 31-June 17 Opening Wednesday May 31, 6.30-8pm Tacit Galleries, Melbourne 191-193 Johnston St, Collingwood Artist Statement The paintings in this exhibition continue my linear exploration of the grid. But not as grid as straight line rather as grid as motion and construction (building). One line leads to another. Sometimes works sit for weeks until the next layer presents itself. An intuitive ideology of trust that at some point everything will work out. That stopping point is always the same. A compositional resolution I could never have conceived prior to commencement. My current palette is black, white, and brown (light, shade, earths). Selected work Paths , 2022, oil on canvas, 153 x 122 cm Black White Brown , 2023, oil on canvas, 112 x 102 cm Stripe , 2023, oil on canvas, 91 x 106 cm Brown White Grid , 2021, oil on canvas 51 x 61 cm Discs , 2022, oil on paper plates, 27 x 20

Substrate 23

Invitation group exhibition 23May 31-June 17 Opening Wednesday May 31, 6.30-8pm Tacit Galleries, Melbourne 191-193 Johnston St, Collingwood T able Top 1, oil on assemblage, 30 x 20 x 7 cm. Table Top 2 , oil on assemblage, 30 x 20 x 10 cm.

Bound Pigment : Celebrating Paint

  A celebration of colour featuring  3 artists February 8 - 25, 2023 Opening Wednesday Feb 8, 6.30-8pm Tacit Galleries, Melbourne 191-193 Johnston St, Collingwood Follow the line , 2018, oil on canvas, 107 x 91 cm Grey Lines , 2018, oil on canvas, 101 x 101 cm Loose Grid , 2019, oil on canvas, 76 x 61 cm Bound Pigment : Celebrating Paint installation images

Substrate 22

  August 3 - 20 TACIT ART Sticks 1, 2022, oil on aluminum, 25.5 x 21.5 cm Sticks 2,  2022, oil on aluminum, 25.5 x 21.5 cm Sticks 3,  2022, oil on aluminum, 25.5 x 21.5 cm


The Possibilities of Light July 13 - 30 TACIT ART Selected works: Negative Space,  2021, oil on canvas, 76 x 70 cm. AU$3200 Painting it White,  2021, oil on canvas, 50 x 61 cm. AU$2300 Right Angle,  2022, oil on canvas, 102 x 102 cm. AU$5800 White Fissure , 2021, oil on canvas, 51 x 41 cm. AU$1900 White Base , 2022, oil on canvas, 41 x 31 cm. AU$1600 Weave,  2022, oil on paper, 29 x 29 x 12 cm. AU$900 'Spectrum' installation: